Curriculum Rationale – Intent, Implementation and Impact
At Holy Family Catholic Primary School, we want to give children a curriculum that promotes a passion and curiosity for learning where ‘Only the Best is Good Enough’.
It is our vision that each child fulfils their potential, regardless of their background or circumstances, in a safe, stimulating and caring environment. We aim to develop a love of learning inspired by quality teaching, foster high aspirations and encourage positive self esteem.
Our Curriculum is built around the National Curriculum, however this is enhanced and enriched to reflect the children and community we teach in.
Cycle A – Academic Year 2023 – 24
At Holy Family Catholic Primary school we have two year cycle for our topics due to the school being one and half form entry. This means that children in mixed classes are not taught the same topics each year.
Cycle B – Academic Year 2024 – 2025
At Holy Family Catholic Primary school we have two year cycle for our topics due to the school being one and half form entry. This means that children in mixed classes are not taught the same topics each year.
The National Curriculum in KS1 and 2
Click on the links below to access the National Curriculum for each year group.
If you have any additional queries, please contact the school office.