Welcome to Holy Family Catholic Primary School (Halewood)
Dear Parents/Carers/Visitors,
On behalf of all of our school community, I would like to welcome you to our Holy Family Catholic Primary School website. We hope that you enjoy our school website and that it will provide you with all the information about our school.
At Holy Family School we care about the children and each other. We expect everyone including staff, children and parents to aim for excellence – only the best is good enough. At Holy Family we endeavour to create a happy and stimulating working environment. We believe we can offer all pupils a wide range of academic and extra curricular activities, which will enhance their educational and social development.
Your child will benefit immensely from their time spent at Holy Family and we hope that as parents you too can feel part of our school community. Holy Family has a strong ‘family’ ethos that permeates throughout the school. As a staff, we are very proud to work here and we encourage all our children to give their best each and every day. Any visitor who comes into our school will see how staff and children have a real pride for our school and they will most definitely feel a culture of positivity, passion and a love of learning.
Please spend time browsing our website. You can read all the newsletters to find out what has been happening in our school each week. The Class Pages and Galleries tab is full of class curriculum information and photographs of the children participating in a range of lessons and activities. I’m sure you will be impressed with our Curriculum tab which contains detailed information about our curriculum offer.
We also have our very own App. Once your child attends our school, we will send you an invitation to join the App. This enables us to send push notifications and emails direct to you among many other features. We are extremely proud of our strong communication with families. Our Instagram Feed also provides up to date information about our school. You can follow us by locating the username HolyFamilyHalewood.
We hope you find our website useful and informative. If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Many Thanks
Mr Quigley
Our Vision
At Holy Family, we strive to create an environment where only the best is good enough in all that we do. We will achieve this by having high expectations and developing a culture of ambition, challenge and achievement
Our Mission
With Christ at the centre, we live, love and learn together, reaching out to all.
Together, with Jesus, we can do it!