We are a ‘Uniform School’. We believe a uniform looks smart, wears well and contributes to a feeling of belonging to the school.
School Uniform can be ordered from Kitted Out, House 276 Smithdown Road, Liverpool, L15 5AJ.
Our uniform consists of:
Reception to Year 6:
- Maroon cardigan or pullover; with school badge
- Grey trousers, skirt or pinafore
- White shirt or blouse; long or short sleeve
- Burgundy or grey socks
- School tie
- Black Shoes
Nursery Uniform:
- Burgundy Joggers
- Burgundy pullover, with school badge
- slip on pumps
PE Kit:
- Black shorts, black top (with or without the school logo on) and socks
- Slip on pumps.
- Trainers for outdoor use
The children must wear black, waterproof shoes for school. Shoes that display sports coloured logos or are made of non-waterproof material is prohibited. Sling back shoes and shoes with large heels are not allowed. If children arrive into school wearing prohibited shoes, they will be asked to wear their PE pumps, provided by school, if necessary.
The only jewellery we allow in school is a wrist watch or stud ear-rings. A Fit Bit can be worn but must not have internet access or photo facility. We ask you, for reasons of Health and Safety, not to allow your children to come into school wearing rings, bracelets or necklaces. During P.E. lessons, children will be asked to remove ear-rings or cover them with a plaster.