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Relationships and Sex Education Statement (RSE)

At Holy Family, our belief in the unique dignity of the human person as made in the image and likeness of God underpins the approach to all education in our school. Our approach to Relationships, Sex and Health Education therefore is rooted in the Catholic Church’s teaching of the human person and is presented positively.

Stemming from this vision of what it means to be human, we seek to educate the whole child:  spiritually, morally, socially, culturally, mentally and physically towards our understanding of Christian maturity

High quality teaching of RSHE at Holy Family, will help prepare our pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life in Modern Britain.

All RSHE teaching will be in accordance with the Church’s moral teaching and will enhance our Catholic Ethos. Therefore, the Governors at Holy Family have adopted the Journey in Love Programme, as recommended by the Archdiocese, to support the statutory (as from Summer 2021) RSHE curriculum. 

Below is a brief outline of the content of the programme:

Foundation Stage




The wonder of being special and unique

*To recognise the joy of being a special person in my family


*To recognise that we are all different and unique


*the joy of being a special person in God’s family

*reasons why I’m special and how I can identify my uniqueness
*what makes my family special
*who I can ask, when I need help
*the ways in which I am physically the same as my friends.
*the ways in which I am physically different to my friends
*God loves my family
*Family celebrations e.g.birthdays Christmas, achievements etc
*Church celebrations – e.g.  Christmas, Christenings
*the link between family and church celebrations
*Celebrations are special times  to look forward to and remember 

Key Stage One

Year Group




Year One

We Meet God’s love in our Family

*To recognise signs that I am loved by my family

* To recognise how I am cared for and kept safe in my family

* To celebrate ways that God loves and cares for us.

* families are important for children for love, security and stability

*other families may look different to my own

*all babies are different and change and grow

*the importance of telling someone who can be trusted, if I am are worried about a family issue

* the role families play in children’s lives

* how to recognise if family relationships are making me feel unhappy or unsafe

* God loves and cares for us in a number of ways,  giving us our families

Year Two

We Meet God’s love in the community

*To recognise the joy and friendship of belonging to a diverse community.

* To describe ways of being safe in communities.

*To celebrate ways of meeting God in our communities.

*Identify which communities I belong to and why they are important
*Understand the respect needed for the differences within a community
*What individuals can bring to a community and what they receive in return
*the different ways of keeping safe, including online
*an exploration of what to do if I or someone is feeling unsafe, including with other adults in our community.
*understand how the Holy Family school Mission Statement helps us celebrate the community
*To know we reach out to everyone in our community and how we do this.

Key Stage Two

Year Group




Year Three

How We Live in Love

*To describe and give reasons how friendships make us feel happy and safe

*To describe and give reasons why friendships can break down, how they can be repaired and strengthened.

*To celebrate the joy and happiness of living in friendship with God and others.

* the features of positive healthy friendships
*strategies to build positive friendships
*how to communicate respectfully with friends including when using digital devices
* To know that friendships can have ups and downs, but the problems can often be worked through
*how to seek support with relationships, if they feel lonely or excluded
*How to solve issues within friendships
*the Sacrament of Reconciliation

Year Four

God Loves us in our Differences

* To describe how we all should be accepted and respected

*To describe how we should treat others making links with the diverse modern society we live in.

*To celebrate the uniqueness and innate beauty of each of us.

*recognise differences between people such as gender, race, and  faith
*recognise what people have in common with others e.g. shared values
*recognise the differences between ourselves and others and the appropriate and sensitive  vocabulary that should be used to describe those differences
*an exploration of  courtesy and manners
*an exploration of stereotypes and how they are unfair, negative or destructive
*ways to challenge stereotypes
* the importance of self-respect
*a recognition and celebration of God-given gifts and how to use them for the Common Good.
*How to support each other’s mental health by expressing feelings.

Year Five

God loves us in our changing bodies and development

* To show knowledge and understanding of emotional relationship changes as we grow and develop

* To show knowledge and understanding of the physical changes in puberty

* To celebrate the joy of growing physically and spiritually


*A study of the basic stages of emotional childhood development
* How to help a friend who is struggling with self-confidence
* How to seek advice for yourself or a friend if concerned about mental wellbeing, or being unsafe
*the physical and emotional changes that occur to both boys and girls during puberty.
*To know how to grow healthily and happily during these times of change, with God
*How to  respect your own body
*A recognition of the different types of love

Year Six

The Wonder of God’s Love in Creating New Life

*To develop a secure understanding that stable and caring relationships, which may be of different types, are at the heart of happy families.

* Explain how human life is conceived

* Show an understanding of how being made in the image and likeness of God informs decisions and actions when building relationships with others, including life-long relationships.

* Marriage; a union between two people that is a formal, legally-recognised commitment and intended to be lifelong.
*how a baby is conceived
* how a child grows within the mother’s womb
*the boundaries that should exist within all relationships, including in a digital context
* how, when and where to seek help if a relationship of any sort is making us feel uncomfortable
*discover the presence of God in our family and friends.
*how St Paul’s teaching on love is experienced in families, extended families, school or communities.

If you require any further clarification regarding this aspect of the curriculum please contact: Mrs Davey, RE Coordinator. 

Please click here to see a copy of our RSHE Policy

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