Throughout the school year, we bring in visitors, companies and guests to enhance our curriculum in any way possible. The children love these activities and you can have a look at the range of activities that we do in our Class Pages and Gallleries section of the website.
Please see below a list of Whole School Enhancements that the children have been involved in.
Aspire Day, Junior Chefs Academy, MacMillan Coffee Morning, CLC visits for Computing, National Poetry Day, Black History Week, Pop Project, Family Learning events, Anti-Bullying Week, Road Safety sessions, Christmas performances, BBC Live Writing and Science online learning, Healthy Eating workshops, Safer Internet Week, Fair Trade Fortnight, Health and Dental, Theatre workshops, Study of different faiths, NSPCC, Philharmonic choir, Fundraising events (Poppy Appeal, Marie Curie, Good Shepherd, Easter celebration, Sports Day, Extra-Curricular curriculum enhancements, Extra-Curricular sports clubs, Arts week, Science Week, World Book Day, Perfect Poetry Day, World Mathletics games, Google expeditions, Slow down for Bobby campaigns, Swimming, Sports Day and Themed weeks throughout the academic year, Forensic Science Workshop, Flash Bang Science, Visits from Parents/Governors to share Science related professions.