20/21 Archive

Year 1W: Puppets
We have loved making puppets in DT. We designed, sewed and decorated our puppets independently. We are so proud of our efforts!
Year 1W: Super Scientists
We have enjoyed taking part in our Super Scientists topic. We enjoyed learning about Isaac Newton and the effect gravity has on everyday objects. We created and tested our own paper spinner to investigate if weight changed gravity. We also laughed a lot during our static electricity experiments, especially when we used a balloon on our friend’s hair to create a static charge.
Year 1W: SCOOT FIT Disco
Wow, what an amazing SCOOT FIT disco Year 1W have had. Lots of smiles, giggles, singing and skills learnt by all!
Year 3/4W: Super Science
This term in Science, we have been conducting lots of investigations in class and working scientifically. We have been asking lots of questions and using different types of scientific enquiry to answer them. Together, we have set up different practical tests and we have reported on our findings by using simple scientific language. We have loved every minute of it!
Year 3/4W: Athletics
In PE, we have been working on our athletic skills. So far, we have learnt how to correctly throw a javelin. We are working hard to develop the power in our throwing and want to sharpen our aiming skills. We have also been working hard to successfully pass and exchange the relay batons, keeping in mind the top tips from Miss Williams. Watch this space!
Year 3/4W: StarBooks Reading Morning
We had a lovely morning catching up with our friends, reading books, colouring and completing well-being activities whilst eating a healthy breakfast snack!
Year 3M: Art Day
3M thoroughly enjoyed our art day last half term. They investigated and created their own geometric patterns, using these to create prints. They learnt how to use a compass to create a ‘flower of life.’ Pupils loved exploring the different techniques to create patterns, including making their own stamps.
Year 3M: Wizard School
3M combined English and Computing to complete the Wizard School unit. We used Harry Potter to help us create elements of a story in which we were a wizard. We used lots of programmes to make own wand, join a house and pick a spell. We published our own ebooks including audio and an animation.
Pupils learned lots of new skills and enjoyed creating their own stories.
Year 3M: Starbooks
3M really enjoyed our ‘Starbooks’ day. We shared our favourite stories and characters whilst having a snack. We also designed our own book covers and managed some quiet reading. It was lots of fun and we enjoyed sharing our favourite books with our friends.