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Child Missing from Education Process

Child Missing From Education Process:

If the child is subject to Social Care involvement , Family First or other Pastoral Support Agency inform the named worker of absence immediately or if there are any concerns regarding the child then consider a referral for support. Call the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on  443 2600 for advice

Day 1: Child Absent from school, no information. If no information by 9:15 am – First Morning Response Call
Day 2: Child still absent, no contact from home and family. Telephone Call
Day 3: Child still absent, no contact from home. Visit home (leave a note). Inform School Attendance Service (SAS)
Day 4: Child still absent. All of above. Continue to attempt contact and keep SAS updated
Day 8: Child still absent. Inform SAS Missing Child. Contact MASH 443 2600


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