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Home School Agreement

The Parents/Guardians

We shall:

  • Respect and share the Catholic/Christian ethos of the school.
  • See that our child arrives at school on time (8.55 am) and is physically well.
  • Make sure our child attends school regularly.
  • Make sure that our holidays are taken during the school’s allocated holiday time.
  • Provide a note of explanation when our child is absent from school or unable to participate in school activities (e.g. P.E., swimming etc).
  • See that our child has the necessary equipment (e.g. P.E. kit, swimming kit etc).
  • Support the school’s policies and guidelines for behaviour, (around the school, in class, on the playground and educational visits) including the rules, which apply to the wearing of the uniform/jewellery.
  • Support the child in homework and other opportunities for home learning.
  • Attend parents’ evening and other events that support our child’s progress.
  • Talk to your child about his/her experiences in school and encourage him/her to do their best.
  • Make sure that we model respect by always approaching teachers and staff politely.

The School

We shall:

  • Provide a friendly welcome to your child and a secure, stimulating, Catholic/Christian environment in which to learn.
  • Ensure that your child is valued for who he/she is and is helped to make good progress in his/her spiritual, moral, emotional and academic development.
  • Provide a balanced curriculum and meet the individual needs of your child.
  • Achieve high standards of work and behaviour through building good relationships and developing a sense of responsibility.
  • Provide you with information about your child’s progress and provide you with the opportunities to talk to teachers.
  • Be open and welcoming at all times and offer opportunities for you to become involved in the daily life of the school.

The Pupil

     I will:

  • Attend school regularly and on time.
  • Wear the school uniform and bring the equipment I need every day.
  • Do all my class work and homework as well as I can.
  • Be friendly, polite and show consideration for others.
  • Observe the school, class and playground rules and treat everyone with respect.
  • Always take care of the school buildings, grounds and equipment.
  • Respect others’ individuality.

Together we shall:

  • Encourage the children to keep the school rules
  • Support children’s learning to help them to achieve their best.
  • Participate in fulfilling the school’s Mission statement:

With Christ at the centre, we live, love and learn together, reaching out to all.

Together, with Jesus, we can do it!

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