We had a wonderful week dedicating time to Children’s Mental Health Week. We spent a whole day focussing on the 5 ways to well-being; Connect, Keep Learning, Give, Be Active and Take Notice. We connected with each other by playing a ‘getting to know you game’. We learned a new skill – signing, using Makaton. To give, we made gratitude cards for our family friends and those in school who help us, such as the kitchen staff. And, we were active by going on a lovely walk and noticed the well-being posters that were put up around the trail. On this day, we were given the opportunity to ‘dress to express’ too.
We also had well-being challenges to do at home over the week. We tried our hardest to do at least 10 of the 16 challenges. As a reward, we were given a certificate and a sweet treat at the end of the week.